Experienced Child Support Advocates On Your Side
As a parent, your children are among your top concerns at the end of a relationship. The courts expect that both parents will provide financially for their children, but you may have many questions regarding what that will mean for your family. You need an experienced, caring attorney to answer your questions and advocate for you and your children.
At Robert L. Isaacs & Associates, our lawyers have represented clients in over 10,000 cases involving the establishment or disestablishment of child support, as well as child support modifications. In addition to private clients, we represent the Virginia Department of Social Services, Division of Child Support Enforcement (DCSE). Few lawyers can match our level of experience.
If the DCSE, is involved in your case, it is likely that Robert L. Isaacs & Associates will be unable to represent you regarding any child support matter. If you have further questions regarding this issue, you can reach us at 804-728-0228.
Understanding Virginia’s Child Support Laws
Whether you are going through a divorce or have never married your child’s other parent, the courts determine child support by following the formula laid out in Virginia Code §20-108.2. The formula accounts for the gross monthly income of each party, work-related child care expenses, health insurance expenses and the amount of time each parent has with the child or children under the custody arrangement.
Factors vary widely as to how they affect support. For example, income may vary, or a party may have held multiple jobs. Other factors set out in the law that go beyond the formula may also apply.
Modifications For When Life Changes
Child support may be changed upon a showing of a material change of circumstances that warrants such a change. For example, if the children are no longer in child care, support may be modified.
In addition, the state legislature makes periodic revisions to the child support calculators. The last revisions went into effect on July 1, 2014. If you have an older order, you may wish to have us review your child support figures to see if changes in the law would apply to your situation.
Contact Robert L. Isaacs & Associates
For more information, call 804-728-0228 or use send us a confidential email to schedule a consultation. We serve Henrico and the entire Richmond area.